Why securing containers and microservices is a challenge

Containers are a small, fast, and easy-to-set-up way to deploy and run software across different computing environments. By holding an application’s complete runtime environment, including libraries, binaries, and configuration files, platform and infrastructure are abstracted, allowing the application to run more or less anywhere. Containers are available from all the major cloud providers as well as in on-premises data centers and hybrid clouds. Plus, they can save companies a lot of money.

Using containers, developers can create “microservices,” which are essentially small, reusable components of an application. Because they are reusable, microservices can save developers time, and they are deployable across different platforms.

It’s no surprise, then, that container adoption is high. Unfortunately, security is still learning how they work and how best to lock them down. Around 80 percent of organizations with more than 500 employees now use containers, according to a recent  McAfee survey of 1,500 global IT professionals. Only 66 percent have a security strategy for the containers. In fact, containers are now tied with mobile devices as the biggest security challenge for organizations, according to a  March survey of 1,200 IT decision makers by CyberEdge.

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