What Data Center Managers Can Learn from the Wipro Fishing Attack

India-based technology giant Wipro, which offers a “boundaryless data center” among its services, has  fallen victim to a phishing attack  that may have led to attacks on its enterprise customers.

Wipro confirmed it had been attacked to Data Center Knowledge, a company spokesperson saying, “We detected a potentially abnormal activity in a few employee accounts on our network due to an advanced phishing campaign.”

India-based technology giant Wipro, which offers a “boundaryless data center” among its services, has  fallen victim to a phishing attack  that may have led to attacks on its enterprise customers.

Wipro confirmed it had been attacked to Data Center Knowledge, a company spokesperson saying, “We detected a potentially abnormal activity in a few employee accounts on our network due to an advanced phishing campaign.”

The company has retained a “well-respected, independent forensic firm” to assist in the investigation, the spokesperson said, and is taking steps to “contain and mitigate any potential impact.”

The company did not respond to questions about how customers were affected, and what they should be doing to protect themselves.

Read full article at Data Center Knowledge.