Is the VPN Dead? No, It’s Doing Quite Well, Actually

VPNs are very useful for securing connections when employees log in from hotels, airports, and cafes, but that’s not really happening much these days, is it?

The technology  was designed for a time when the number of people requiring remote access was relatively few, the perimeter was still a thing, and cloud data centers and SaaS applications weren’t ubiquitous.

“This technology has not really changed in almost two decades,” Beau Oliver, VP at Booz Allen Hamilton, said in an interview with DCK. “VPN is a critical piece but not a full cybersecurity puzzle for remote workers and access.”

VPNs have a scalability problem. When your entire workforce shifts to home offices, it can take time and money to get the appliances and bandwidth needed to support them. Alternative solutions, like SASE (secure access service edge), are based in the cloud and can scale up or down with the push of a button.

Read full article in Data Center Knowledge.