Generative AI dominates VMware Explore news

There were some cloud announcements this week at VMware Explore in Las Vegas, but AI was the star, as it has been at nearly every tech company lately. Vendors have been rushing to add generative AI to their platforms, and VMware is no exception.

The biggest AI features to emerge from the conference – VMware Private AI Foundation and Intelligent Assist – won’t be fully available for months. VMware Private AI Foundation is a joint development with Nvidia that will enable enterprises to customize models and run generative AI applications on their own infrastructure. Intelligent Assist is a family of generative AI-based solutions trained on VMware’s proprietary data to automate IT tasks.

One new tool – SafeCoder – is already available, however. VMware collaborated with Hugging Face to help launch SafeCoder, a commercial solution built around an open-source large language model that companies can fine-tune on their own code bases and run in their own secure environments.

Read full article at Network World.