Down economy spurs automation in collections
Down economy spurs automation in collections
Down economy spurs automation in collections Read More »
Down economy spurs automation in collections
Down economy spurs automation in collections Read More »
The Internet was a great big steel trap for a lot of companies–it sucked in resources, people and money and offered only vague pie-in-the-sky promises in return. Today’s technology users have learned from the mistakes of the first wave and have begun to use the new technologies to streamline operations, cut costs and increase revenues.
The second mouse gets the cheese Read More »
Two years ago, International Playthings Inc. was doing business the old fashioned way–faxes, letters of credit, and a great deal of sitting around and waiting for various documents. There weren’t a lot of examples yet of companies that successfully moved their supply chain to the Internet. “It rook a Jot of faith to change the
Some companies using direct file transfers find they’re an advantage over web form-based systems, in that data is moved around automatically without employees having to go on the web and manually enter invoicing information. However, they can require some integration work, and this means a custom interface needs to be written. Web Services are already
Web services–on the horizon Read More »