The year in grid stats

Over the past year, the public OpenSim grids lost both land area and active users.

Since last December, grids lost the equivalent of 8,276 standard-sized regions, going from 81,326 regions to 73,050.

And the total number of actives fell by 2,019, from 37,745 to 35,726.

Total regions, in standard region equivalents, and unique 30-day users, on public OpenSim grids. (Hypergrid Business data.)

However, some individual grids did well this year.

The following grids had the most active users this past year:

The list only includes grids that published their statistics.

The following grids gained the most active users from December 2018 to December 2019:

The following grids gained the most regions:

Kitely and OSgrid were the most valuable OpenSim grids this past year since they registered the most new users.

The two grids are popular initial stopping points for newcomers to OpenSim.

Kitely registered  7,140 new users in 2019, while OSgrid registered 6,106.

Source: Hypergrid Business