Treasury & Risk

Cyber Security Review

As threats proliferate, here are five areas where companies need to strengthen and update their policies and practices. It’s particularly galling when a company specializing in security issues gets monumentally hacked. That was the case for Stratfor, which suffered a massive data breach just before the holidays that exposed thousands of client names, e-mail addresses […]

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Driving Monitor

If an iPhone can make people healthier by tracking how many steps they take, why can’t something similar make cars and trucks safer by monitoring drivers’ behavior? Telematics equipment–black boxes–has been available for years, helping companies track the locations of their vehicles and the speeds at which they are traveling. Now the devices have become

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Watch Your Avatars

Enterprise software helps set rules for virtual worlds Consumer-friendly technologies like Web-based e-mail and instant messaging, Twitter and Facebook have all brought compliance challenges, with companies typically reacting after something has gone wrong. With virtual environments and meetings, however, companies can get ahead of the trend, setting guidelines and preferred platforms before employees start adopting

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Sorting Out Sales

Changes to revenue recognition rules may be beneficial but will lead to accounting headaches that new software can relieve. Last September, regulators issued new revenue recognition rules that allow companies to book product and service sales separately–a boost for the balance sheet, but a big accounting hassle. Prior to the new rules, effective 1Q of

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Six Steps to Better IT GRC

Securing corporate IT systems is crucial, but there are ways to make that effort more productive and less costly. Companies have spent years beefing up their information technology governance, risk and compliance systems.   With cutting costs now top of mind in corporate America, here are six ways to make IT GRC systems more productive

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Taming Spreadsheets

New software products aim to help companies get the whip hand over ubiquitous but risky spreadsheets. Concur Technologies helps companies automate the processes by which they manage employee travel and entertainment spending, but some of its own processes aren’t fully automated. “We’re like everyone,” says Terry DePolo, Concur’s director of accounting. “We’re trying to minimize

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Cloud Computing Rolls In

New services deliver a range of technology without up-front capital investment. The downside could be giving up control. More than a new buzz phrase to add to the list of client-server, ASP, hosted provider and software as a service (SaaS), cloud computing is a new stage in technology evolution. Clouds provide technology such as software,

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