Latest AI articles

Deep learning and neural networks gain commercial footing

Deep learning and neural networks gain commercial footing

Oct 10, 2019

The news these days is full of stories about AI. Lately, we’re seeing how deepfake techniques create altered and convincing videos, photos or audio of…


Rich PII enables sophisticated impersonation attacks

Sep 24, 2019

As companies ramp up protections against account takeovers,  spearphishing  and other impersonation attacks, attackers are upping their game by collecting more and richer personally identifiable…


Explainable AI: Bringing trust to business AI adoption

Sep 24, 2019

When it comes to making use of AI and machine learning, trust in results is key. Many organizations, in particular those in regulated industries, can…


Rethinking software development in the AI era

Sep 11, 2019

As companies look to artificial intelligence to drive their digital transformation,  software development will change dramatically as well. Companies are prepared for the fact that…


Latest Data Center Network Security Strategies Revolve Around Intelligence

Sep 10, 2019

The cybersecurity field is in the early stages of a sweeping shift to intelligent solutions. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are already having an impact…


How AI Fuzzing Can Protect a Data Center or Be Its Worst Enemy

Sep 4, 2019

The amount of systems and applications data center security managers have to keep attackers out of nowadays is staggering. One way to make sure all…


How secure are your AI and machine learning projects?

Sep 2, 2019

When enterprises adopt new technology, security is often on the back burner. It can seem more important to get new products or services to customers…


6 reasons why AI projects fail

Aug 6, 2019

Eighteen months ago, Mr. Cooper launched an intelligent recommendation system for its customer service agents to suggest solutions to customer problems. The company, formerly known…

More to machine learning platforms than meets the AI

More to machine learning platforms than meets the AI

Jul 29, 2019

Evidence is mounting that AI is moving out of the shadows of predominantly niche applications and into the mainstream spotlight. And as companies transition from…


AI’s top use cases today

Jul 24, 2019

IT-related use cases such as IT automation, quality control, and cybersecurity are among the most popular uses of AI technology. But that will change, experts…


Anatomy of an enterprise-scale AI strategy

Jul 16, 2019

When it comes to AI, companies typically test the waters proof of concepts or small-scale use cases, taking advantage of vendor offerings, such as new…


Today’s top data pipeline management challenges

Jul 11, 2019

One of the issues is that existing analytics and data science platforms aren’t always suited for today’s modern machine learning applications. They’re often not agile…


Why It’s Time to Prepare for AI Wielding Hackers

Jun 3, 2019

The  war against cyber attackers  isn’t a fair battle. Companies have to defend against all attacks, while the attackers only have to get through once.…


RPA and AI: Business process automation gets smart

May 30, 2019

Building artificial intelligence into business process management isn’t easy. Many companies add AI to processes by building or buying single-task bots, such as  natural language…


6 tips for effective customer data mining

May 29, 2019

Retail and marketing organizations are collecting massive amounts of data on customers, but they’re not always getting all the use out of this information that…


Computer vision AI looks beyond the narrow into the mainstream

May 22, 2019

A variety of applications for computer vision tools are starting to emerge — driven by a combination of imagination and practicality. Across industries like healthcare,…


AI is poised to radically transform software development

May 7, 2019

We are entering the age of what Tesla AI director Andrej Karpathy calls “Software 2.0,” where neural networks write the code and people’s main jobs…


6 tips for working with AI vendors

May 2, 2019

Artificial intelligence and related technologies promise to be a game changer for businesses. The central question is whether to build or buy. Some companies will…


AI technology: When to build, when to buy

Apr 9, 2019

Artificial intelligence is fast becoming a business imperative. Whether it’s to improve efficiency, find new business opportunities, or keep up with — or get ahead…


Analytics an uneasy balance between data collection and privacy

Mar 28, 2019

Advanced analytics, BI and AI are booming and can potentially offer great business benefits, but these technologies are extremely data hungry. Meanwhile, GDPR and other…


Data science platforms boost automation, collaboration

Mar 28, 2019

Data science platforms can help teams of data scientists collaborate on advanced analytics problems, allow them to pull in data from disparate sources, and choose…


How AI is revolutionizing financial services

Mar 28, 2019

Financial services firms are helping lead the way in adopting artificial intelligence, with banks  expected to spend $5.6 billion on AI solutions  in 2019, second…


What is AI fuzzing? And why it may be the next big cybersecurity threat

Mar 26, 2019

AI fuzzing definition AI fuzzing uses machine learning and similar techniques to find vulnerabilities in an application or system. Fuzzing has been around for a…


8 key roles of successful AI projects

Mar 12, 2019

Artificial intelligence offers ample opportunities to reap business value. When done right, AI can help improve sales, optimize operations, and free up staff for higher-value…


AI as a service democratizes benefits of new tech tools

Mar 5, 2019

For First Horizon National Corp., one of the largest regional banks in the southeastern United States, with more than 250 branches and about 6,000 employees,…


Common sense AI approaches point to more general applications

Mar 1, 2019

Artificial general intelligence is the holy grail of AI research; this form of an AI system can think for itself, has common sense, has a…


9 biggest hurdles to AI adoption

Feb 26, 2019

The era of AI business value has arrived. In fact,  in a recent Deloitte survey, 82 percent of early adopters said they saw a financial…


New deep learning techniques take center stage

Jan 2, 2019

Generative adversarial networks, reinforcement learning and transfer learning are approaches that have been explored by theoreticians and researchers for years. Today, with recent improvements in…


Workplace AI: Emerging technologies, ethical questions

Dec 12, 2018

AI is making quick inroads into the workplace. Equally capable of whipping up informed predictions in a flash and completing specific tasks on a scale…


8 secrets of successful AI projects

Nov 14, 2018

Business leaders at every level see the value of using artificial intelligence, but using AI well is where the true value lies. Here, lessons from…