Latest Cybersecurity Articles

HSBC Admits Data Loss, Apologizes to Customers

Mar 11, 2010

HSBC’s Swiss subsidiary HSBC Private Bank SA admitted Thursday that a former employee stole records on 15,000 clients and passed them to French government authorities.…

‘Vast Gaps’ in Data Protection

Mar 10, 2010

Most financial companies have “vast gaps” in their privacy and data protection programs, according to a study released this week by security firm Compuware and…

A Global View of SOA-based Policy Admin Systems

Feb 1, 2010

With a preference for service-oriented architectures (SOA), the U.S. market is the furthest ahead in deployments of SOA-based policy administration systems, but companies in other…

Cloud Computing Rolls In

Nov 2, 2009

New services deliver a range of technology without up-front capital investment. The downside could be giving up control. More than a new buzz phrase to…

Virtual Meeting Rush

Sep 1, 2009

More companies are using virtual worlds for training and gatherings while new technology aims to make them a mainstream reality. Accountant, CEO and executive director…

Enterprise Risk Management: Getting Holistic

Jul 6, 2009

The recent financial crisis has demonstrated that securities firms need to change the way they approach risk, needing now to consider a wider variety of…

Is It Safe In The Clouds?

Jun 22, 2009

Earlier this month, a hacker reportedly exploited a vulnerability in an Internet-based virtualization software platform that took down more than 100,000 Web sites and other…

When Hackers Attack

Jun 1, 2009

Technology and Internet risks are increasingly well understood. But as countermeasures remain elusive or expensive, the exposures appear no less frightening. In January, Heartland Payment…

Where to Spend in a Time of Crisis

Feb 2, 2009

Technology providers that cater to buy-side firms are knocking on doors in an industry that has seen widespread losses and sharp reductions in assets under…

Mobile Insecurity: Reality or Just hype?

Nov 1, 2008

The increasing functionality and numbers of mobile banking platforms, the growing sophistication of criminals, and the popularity of smart cell phones create the potential for…

Software as a Service as a Security Battleground

Mar 24, 2008 reached a milestone last fall: 1 million people using the online software company to host their customer relationship management systems and other key business…

Server Virtualization: Powerful Tool, Extra Exposure

Mar 24, 2008

Dividing a server into multiple virtual machines has brought down firms’ purchasing costs and allowed for more efficient use of existing hardware. However, virtualization also…

The Web 2.0 Threat

Feb 4, 2008

Leading-edge collaborative tools and interactive sites pose monitoring burden As the Web 2.0 movement makes interactive applications and social networks such as Facebook ubiquitous on…

Back-End Authentication Moves to Forefront

Nov 6, 2006

User authentication has been getting a lot of attention lately, what with lingering threats of identity theft, a U.S. regulatory initiative to have banks and…

India Tightens Security

Aug 1, 2006

Article originally published in Insurance Networking News. Late spring 2005, the world learned that a crime ring that included call center employees of an Indian…

Biometrics Comes To the Heartland

Nov 6, 2005

A couple years ago, good security meant a good firewall at the periphery of a bank’s network. Today, given the range of internal and external…

Network Security: An Arkansas Bank Protects Communications Inside-out

Oct 3, 2005

A couple of years ago, good security meant a good firewall at the periphery of your network. Today, given the wide range of threats that…

Visa issues 10 ‘commandments’ for online merchants

Aug 11, 2000

In an attempt to reduce online credit-card fraud, Visa U.S.A. in San Francisco announced 10 “commandments” for online merchants to guard its cardholders’ information. And,…

Fake bank Web sites trick consumers into giving up personal data

Jul 25, 2000

A hacker doesn’t have to break into a bank’s computer to steal account numbers and access codes. It may be enough to set up a…